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function CDF.compare_aia_files

Compare 2 AIA files, printing out differences


ds_base : nc.Dataset
        Base AIA file
ds_cmp : nc.Dataset
        Comparison AIA file

function CDF.verify_aia_file

Verifies AIA fields against spec.    E1948-98 is the original spec.


ds : nc.Dataset
        AIA file
spec : str
        Spec to validate against

function CDF.write_new_cdf_file

Create a new CDF file with data from a dictionary


cdf_filename : str
        Filename for new CDF file
        Data to be written to CDF file
        Variable names should be the column names of the dataframe
additional_vars : dict
        Additional variables to be written to CDF file. Values can be a list or a single value
        Format should be {"variable_name": value, ...}
dimensions : dict
        Dimensions for CDF file
        Format should be {"dimension_name": dimension_length, ...}
attributes : dict
        Attributes for CDF file
        Format should be {"attribute_name": attribute_value, ...}
to_bytes : bool
        If True, return CDF file as bytes object
        If False, write CDF file to disk

function CDF.write_variable_to_cdf

Write a variable to a new netCDF file


cdf_file : netCDF4.Dataset
        netCDF file to write to
variable_name : str
        Name of the variable to write
data : np.array
        Data to write to the variable
if_exists : str
        Flag to determine what to do if the variable already exists in the file. Options are "append", "replace", or "skip"
save_flag : bool
        Flag to save the file after writing the variable



function CDF.copy_cdf_data_to_new_file

Copy data from one netCDF file to another


original_cdf_file : netCDF4.Dataset
        Original netCDF file
new_cdf_filename : str
        Name of new netCDF file
to_bytes : bool
        If True, return new netCDF file as bytes
        If False, writes to disk at file location and returns file name
variables_to_copy : list
        List of variables to copy
        If None, all variables will be copied
close_file : bool
        If True, close file after copying and return either bytes or file name
        If False, return file object
include_peak_data : bool
        If True, include peak data in new file
        If False, exclude peak data from new file


new_cdf_file : netCDF4.Dataset or bytes
        New netCDF file
        If to_bytes is True, returns new netCDF file as bytes
        If to_bytes is False, writes to disk at file location and returns file name

function CDF.append_peak_info_to_cdf

Append peak information to an existing CDF file


existing_cdf_filename : str
        Filename for existing CDF file
peak_info : CDFPeakInfo
        DataFrame containing peak information
        Columns should be the same as the peak information columns in the CDF file
        peak_name, peak_retention_time, peak_height, peak_area
outdir : str
        Directory to write new CDF file; same as existing_cdf_filename if not specified
to_bytes : bool
        If True, return CDF file as bytes object
        If False, write CDF file to disk
create_copy : bool
        If True, create a copy of the existing CDF file and append data to the copy
        If False, append data to the existing CDF file

function CDFOutput.init

Initialize LCOutput object for outputting data from netCDF file in AIA format


cdf_filename : str
        Name of the netCDF file
cdf : nc.Dataset
        netCDF file containing LC run data in AIA format
baseline : np.array, optional
        Array containing baseline data

function CDFOutput.to_excel

Outputs the data from the netCDF file to an Excel file


filename : str
        Name of the file to write to
        If None, the method will return a tuple of DataFrames (peak_purity, peak_stats)
mode : str
        Mode to use when writing to Excel file
        Options are "w" to overwrite the file or "a" to append to the file
assay : str
        Assay-specific information to include in the Excel file

function CDFOutput.to_html

Plot data from a netCDF file


filename : str
        Filename for HTML file to save plot
        If None, plot will be displayed
write_mode : str
        Mode to use when writing to HTML file
        Options are "w" to overwrite the file or "a" to append to the file
num_peaks_to_plot : int
        Number of peaks to plot, can be used to excludesummary peak info from plot
show_peak_names : bool
        If True, show peak names on the plot